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Why Britain No Longer Rules the Waves

The days of Britain ruling the waves are apparently over. “The Royal Navy can only send a quarter of its warships to sea due to spending cuts which have left the armed forces ‘struggling to protect Britain’s citizens.’” This is due to a lack of supplies, lack of manpower and lack of fuel (The Telegraph, September 14, 2017).

Bold “State of the EU” Proposals

EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker delivered his “State of the European Union” speech on September 13 and outlined several bold proposals for the Eurozone. One idea was to create a “super president” position that would merge “the presidencies of the European Commission and the European Council” and result in streamlining the bureaucracy (EU Observer, September 14, 2017). Another proposal in Mr.

Surge in Great Earthquakes

Last week an 8.1 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of southern Mexico, killing at least 90 and destroying thousands of homes—filling streets with crowds of mourners (Aljazeera, September 10, 2017; The Guardian, September 8, 2017).

Eastern Nations Coalesce

End-time Bible prophecies indicate that a coalition of nations from east and north of Jerusalem (Daniel 11:40-44; Revelation 16:12) will bring a huge army into the Middle East to confront the armed forces of a European beast power (Revelation 9:14-16). Exactly how these prophecies will be fulfilled remains to be seen. However, as world events continue to speed up, we may be witnessing how this group of kings “from the east and the north” (where Russia and China are located) will come together.

Multi-Speed Europe Revived

“French president Emmanuel Macron has revived the idea of multi-speed Europe, while announcing that he will soon make ten ‘concrete’ proposals to reform the EU after Brexit”—a plan he will reveal after the September German elections (EU Observer, August 30, 2017). Macron recently met with the prime ministers of Luxembourg and Belgium. “The three leaders—who are all under 45, French-speaking and hold liberal views—said that they wanted to create a ‘coalition of the willing’ to reform the EU” (ibid.).
