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Saudi Arabia on the Rise?

Recently, Saudi Arabia summoned Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to Riyadh where he was apparently ordered to follow the peace plan being written up by the Trump administration (The Times, November 14, 2017).

What’s Ahead for 2018 and Beyond?

What are some major prophecies that will be fulfilled before Armageddon?  What does the Bible promise will occur after Armageddon?  Consider four predictions from the prophet Ezekiel that will be fulfilled in the near future.

Why Christmas?

What do Santa, Yule logs, mistletoe, gift-giving and caroling have to do with the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ?  Many people understand that Christmas has become very commercialized.  Some are aware of the non-Christian history associated with Christmas.  Is Christmas something Christians should celebrate?

Sunset for Britain and America

What is the historic and prophetic significance of the Stone of Destiny?  How does it relate to the once-great British empire?  What was it that caused Britain to fall so rapidly in the second half of the 20th century?  Why is America increasingly seen as dysfunctional by nations everywhere?

Dangerous Creatures Threaten Cities

New research from the University of Toronto Mississauga warns, “Humans may be affecting animal evolution [adaptation] on an unprecedented scale as a result of widespread urbanisation” (IB Times, November 3, 2017). “Many species, such as rats, cockroaches, pigeons and bedbugs have come to depend on humans and proliferated as a consequence.
