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America Achieves Its Manifest Destiny

Driven by a sense of purpose and destiny, the United States spreads coastto-coast. Was an unseen hand at work?

Detecting a Stealthy Enemy

In World War I, the race was on to defeat a deadly enemy who could not be seen.

The Real Jesus Christ

Some claim He is only a myth, while others say He was merely a man. But who was the real Jesus Christ? And what does His life and message mean today?

England Rebels Against Rome

The series continues: Motivated by the passions and ambitions of King Henry VIII, England joins the revolt against the religious authority of the pope.

South Africa’s President Resigns

President Jacob Zuma resigned last week under pressure from his party, the African National Congress (ANC). ANC leadership threatened to present him with a “no confidence vote” if he failed to voluntarily resign in the wake of numerous corruption charges (Al Jazeera, February 14, 2018). Mr. Zuma has been a part of the ANC since 1958 and spent ten years in prison alongside former South African president Nelson Mandela.
