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The Disunited Kingdom

Red telephone booth near Big Ben in London

Loss of collective purpose has devastated the United Kingdom, which must heed ancient warnings lest it shatter completely.

Seeds of Prosperity

Canadian soldiers marching

Canada and the other English-speaking nations have been blessed with abundance that should never be taken for granted.

How to Escape Armageddon

A fiery red and orange nuclear mushroom explosion

Armageddon is not just a “scare word” used by politicians. How will it affect you and your loved ones? You need to know!

The Shifting Sands of Mainstream Christianity

Major Protestant denominations of Christendom are in the throes of controversy, some to the point of dissolution. Millions of members of the Southern Baptist Convention, the United Methodist Church, the Presbyterian Churches of America, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Pentecostal World Fellowship, the Anglican Communion in the United States, and many smaller denominations are in a state of angst.

Tattoos and Cancer?

Tattoos seem to be everywhere today. Have you ever felt left out because you do not have one? According to the World Health Organization, the highest prevalence of tattoos is among Europeans and Americans, with 30 to 40 percent of the populations having at least one tattoo (WHO, retrieved May 31, 2024). In 2018 a Berlin-based market research company surveyed people in 18 countries.
