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Iran’s Growing Missile Threat

In response to recent European moves to censure Iranian nuclear activity, Iran revealed images of its three underground “missile cities” (Jerusalem Post, January 15, 2020). Buried at a bomb-proof depth—over a quarter of a mile underground in the Iranian mountains—these underground missile warehouses contain both ballistic missiles and solid-fuel rockets.

The Bible Food Laws vs. Coronavirus

The world is anxiously watching the coronavirus, which originated in central China. Appearing suddenly, it rapidly spread in Wuhan, a city of 11 million located in Hubei province (population 58 million). The Chinese government has severely restricted all travel, attempting to quarantine several cities. Despite these drastic measures, the virus—which has flu-like symptoms and can be deadly—has spread to Europe and North America.

Locusts Are Devouring the Horn of Africa!

The Horn of Africa is battling the worst locust plague to hit the region in seven decades (The Telegraph, January 26, 2020). “In biblical style, the locusts have already devoured and destroyed 70,000 hectares (175,000 acres) of farmland across Somalia and Ethiopia.” Tremendous rainfall in the region has optimized breeding conditions for the insects, resulting in a massive population explosion.

Brexit Finally Happened!

Three and a half years after Britain announced plans to exit the European Union, Brexit finally happened, and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson fulfilled his campaign pledge (NY magazine, January 31, 2020). The United Kingdom is no longer a voting member of the EU, but is still required to abide by European laws through the 11-month transition period.

Dangerous Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Concern is growing in China about thousands of cases of a new coronavirus. These infections include flu-like symptoms that can lead to pneumonia and even death (The Guardian, January 16, 2020). The Chinese city of Wuhan (about the size of London with a population of 11 million) is the epicenter of the viral outbreak.
