News | Page 14 | Tomorrow's World


Light in the Dark

Beach sky glowing plankton

Explaining bioluminescence is a mountain of a task for evolutionists. The remarkable phenomenon presents illuminating evidence of the Master Designer.

The Chaos of a Borderless World

Immigration migrant shelter

While mass immigration tears at the fabric of Western civilization, Scripture reveals our Creator’s vision of how humanity should live upon the earth.

Canada’s Opioid Addiction

Canadian soldiers marching

What will be the physical, economic, and spiritual damage of Canada’s worsening opioid crisis? Can people enslaved to drug addiction ever be free?

What if Iran Goes Nuclear?

Experts believe that Iran is closing in on the capacity to produce nuclear weapons. It already possesses the missiles to launch them. At this point, “Iran has been rapidly advancing its uranium enrichment, approaching levels of 83.7% close to the 90% needed for nuclear weapons capability” (Gatestone Institute, February 10, 2024). The clock is ticking, and Iran’s creation of the bomb seems not far off!

Europe Pushed to Grow Stronger

The “European experiment” has struggled over the last couple of decades with periods of strength and growth and periods of weakness and hesitation. While Bible prophecy reveals a powerful German-led European “beast” power will lead the world for a time in the years ahead, the continual vacillation among European leaders has raised questions about these prophecies. But, before the eyes of the world, something is happening on the continent.
