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Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

The "Beeb" and Objectivity

The "Beeb" and Objectivity

What role has secularization and the sidelining of religious values played in the decline of Britain, and Western culture at large? The BBC provides a case study.

Bursting the Bubble

Popping a Money Bubble

As economies fail around the world, we learn the lessons taught by misplaced confidence.

Are You Ready for the Great Reset?

Are You Ready for the Great Reset?

Have you heard of the Great Reset? Most people haven’t, but some very prestigious and serious people around the world think it’s coming your way—and soon. Later this year, it will be the subject of a major meeting of world leaders. If they get their way, it will dramatically change daily life for billions of people on planet Earth!

Will You be an Essential Worker?

2020’s most Googled news items include: Coronavirus, Murder Hornet, Australia fires, and, at number four in the rankings, unemployment. Within the vein of unemployment, another question was on people’s minds: “Am I an essential worker?” What is the most essential work you can take part in?
