Natural Disasters | Page 30 | Tomorrow's World

Natural Disasters

San Francisco Earthquake: Lessons 100 Years Later

April 2006 marks the hundredth anniversary of an earthquake that ravaged a city and changed the way Americans came to think about disaster preparedness. Many lessons were learned following the devastating quake—but were they the right lessons?

Hurricane Katrina: A Wake-up Call

What lessons should we learn from the terrible tragedy of Hurricane Katrina? Are you ready for what will come next?

Who Controls the Weather?

Fires and floods ravage the nations of the Western world. Drought, disease and the suffering they bring are becoming routine to hundreds of millions around the world. What is God's role in all this? Why are weather disturbances increasing, and what lesson should individual Christians learn as a result?

Why Earthquakes?

From Haiti to Chile, from China to Sumatra, our planet has been devastated by truly powerful earthquakes in recent years. And your Bible indicates that many more earthquakes are on the way. Why would a loving God permit such tragedies? How will these events affect you and your loved ones? And what can you do to prepare? You need to know!

WHO Controls the Weather?

Natural disasters: sometimes people call earthquakes, massive storms, and other phenomenon “acts of God.” There is more truth to this statement than most realize. In this program, God’s hand in world events is explained, including how He uses the natural world to accomplish His will.
