Is the World at a “Turning Point”? | Tomorrow's World

Is the World at a “Turning Point”?

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Many today believe the world is at a critical “turning point”—a time in history when everything is changing and the days ahead are ominous and uncertain (The Guardian, January 28, 2025). The two decades since the 9-11 terrorist attacks have seen drastic changes in world governments, domestic policies, and international relations—changes that have facilitated the decline of democracies and rise of authoritarianism. Wars and threats of war are increasing, as are animosities and violence between and within nations. Military-industrial complexes are gearing up, not down. Nuclear disarmament has given way to nuclear rearmament. The rhetoric of peace is quieting while the drums of war are beating more loudly. All the while, the “Doomsday Clock” moves ever closer to midnight (Yahoo News, January 29, 2025).

And the idea of a turning point goes deeper than surface-level world events. The global and domestic turmoil we see today is the result of underlying changes linked to social, moral, and religious decay and increasing individualism. Optimism that mankind will eventually change for the better is misplaced. The real cause of our downward spiral is spiritual in nature and is linked to the “god of this age”—Satan, the Devil (2 Corinthians 4:4). He is the deceiver moving humanity toward the point of self-annihilation (Revelation 12:9). The Bible reveals that humanity will reach self-destruction unless Jesus Christ returns as the Savior of the world (Matthew 24:21–22; John 4:42). The returning Christ will not only change the world—He will change the underlying nature of mankind. The world is at a more profound turning point than most people realize. But while a very dark turn is ahead, there will be another turn that follows—for the better! That turn will bring about an end of suffering and inequity and replace it with a new, lasting era of peace and abundance. To learn more about this mother of all turning points, watch “2025 in Bible Prophecy.”