Factory Farms Create Many Problems | Tomorrow’s World News and Prophecy — August 26, 2024

Factory Farms Create Many Problems

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Today, farmers are under pressure to produce greater and greater amounts of food, due in part to the large number of people who live in cities and are unable to produce their own food. Factory farming or “feedlots” is a common approach to provide meat for such vast populations while maximizing profits. But factory farming creates its own problems. When thousands of animals are forced into small spaces for prolonged periods of time, numerous problems arise.

One consequence of factory farming is manure pollution (EWG.org, March 19, 2024). All livestock produce manure, but thousands of animals packed together produce enormous quantities of such waste. This concentration of waste is washed into nearby rivers and lakes, creating serious pollution problems.

Disease is another consequence of factory farming. Due to cramped and unsanitary conditions, infections spread quickly, sometimes requiring the destruction of entire herds or flocks to prevent outbreaks of contagious diseases (TheHumaneLeague.org.uk, June 15, 2023). Recent bird flu outbreaks make this risk clear. To prevent destructive infections, factory farms often administer antibiotics to healthy animals. The antibiotics are then passed on to consumers through animal meat, and they are also transferred to surface and ground water supplies through animal waste and runoff. Some argue that antibiotics are required to maintain the factory farm model and keep animals healthy and protect profits. However, experts warn that the overuse of antibiotics in factory farms leads to greater antibiotic resistance.

The Bible actually provides clear solutions to these problems of modern civilization, revealing that the best situation for people and the environment is for smaller, family-based ownership of land, crops, and livestock (e.g., Micah 4:4)—eliminating the need for industrialized factory farms. This places animals in healthier conditions and greatly reduces the risk of sickness. Jesus Christ and His saints will teach such principles to the world when He returns! To learn about this coming society, read or listen to The World Ahead: What Will It Be Like?