Letters to the Editor | Tomorrow’s World — March/April --> --> --> --> --> --> -->

Letters to the Editor

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Thank you for letting me be your subscriber. I was especially blessed by your articles. I have been receiving your magazine for several years now. I’ve got a lot of knowledge and share with my people in Thailand, Myanmar, and USA also. Most of them don’t understand English. Most of them are my people (Karen) in refugee camps in Thailand. Thank you very much for your message from God.

—Subscriber in New York

To all at Tomorrow’s World and the Living Church of God pastors who make it possible for me to hear the “real gospel,” thank you! You have been a blessing to me for many years.

Subscriber in North Carolina

Thank you for all the information, enlightenment, and booklets that you share to me reminding me of all the suffering God has been through and still goes through for the love He has for humanity. I was also overwhelmed when I suddenly realized [the errors in] my “up-bringing beliefs” as well, though I have much more to learn. I am reading your latest letter and want to order myself a booklet entitled Law or Grace: Which Is It? I can’t wait to read and be more enlightened to follow Jesus Christ our Lord. Thank you for all the work that you do for our Lord and the magazine we also receive. May God’s blessing be upon you tenfold.

—Subscriber in New Zealand

I appreciate the information you provide through your magazine. I would like your next magazine. I’m aware the magazines are free, but I like to contribute from time to time. May the Lord bless you and keep the faith going.

Subscriber in Oklahoma

Greetings to everyone at Tomorrow’s World. I would like to extend my sincerest thanks for the free subscription you have been sending me. Indeed the knowledge you share in every issue enlightens me on what is happening around the world. It added more to my consciousness of having to “watch and pray” and be obedient to God in my life. I am renewing my subscription for 2024. Thank you very much. God Bless you more as you share knowledge with us.

—Subscriber in the Philippines

Just want to thank you for the book The Plain Truth About the Protestant Reformation, by Roderick C. Meredith. I truly enjoyed reading it. It really is quite a shock, and truly a reality of what all these different churches of today are kind of doing. So many of them are not professing the Lord’s word, as it actually is written in the Bible. They are really sugarcoating what they think or feel that their congregation wants to hear. So sad. I truly feel that you do preach the Bible as written. It’s awesome. I wait each month for your magazine. Your articles are profound and are always with the word. Thank you for your wonderful services.

—Subscriber in Nevada


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