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Have you seen "The Tomb of Jesus," a Discovery Channel presentation brought to us by filmmakers James Cameron (of Titanic fame) and Simcha Jacobovici? If not, it is only a matter of time before you hear about it – such is the way with society's current fascination with the "DaVinci Code" spirit of "creative history."
The show points us to a tomb discovered near Jerusalem in 1980 and thought to be uninteresting archaeologically at the time. The filmmakers point out that it contained ossuaries (coffins, or "bone boxes") bearing a few very familiar Biblical names, including some names in Jesus' family – and one labeled "Jesus (or Yeshua) son of Joseph." Their claim: this is the tomb of Jesus' family and He, Himself, was buried here – definitely not resurrected from the dead. What are we to make of such a claim?
Well, for starters, many researchers and experts are publicly pointing out that the show's assemblage and interpretation of the facts represent bad science and pseudo-archaeology. (Even the probability calculations were questionably applied.)
But loose science and slipshod "archaeology" aside, the fact is that the arguments that have proven the truth of Christianity for centuries are as strong as ever, and suffer not even a dent from this stunt.
Imagine the scene, if you will…
A hush spreads across the court of King Agrippa, as the Christian apostle Paul begins to conclude his defense, discussing the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ: "…this thing was not done in a corner. King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets? I know that you do believe."
Then Agrippa says to Paul, "Very passionately delivered, Paul, but your tale is a fantasy. The tomb of this man you say rose from the dead is there, this day, outside Jerusalem! His bones lie along side those of his mother and the rest of his family. Why you persist in this horrible and perverse lie to your own destruction is beyond me! Festus is right: You are truly mad…"
However, this is not how it happened! (You can read how Luke, the first century church historian, recorded the actual exchange in Acts 26:22-32.) Even in the white hot heat of terrible first century persecution of the young church by those desperate to stamp it out, no one was able to produce a body – let alone an entire family tomb – to refute the Christians' persistent claim of Jesus' resurrection. No one. No matter how passionately they must have searched for it, no matter how viciously they must have interrogated the many Christians they arrested: there was simply no body to be found to demonstrate the "lie."
Instead of the laughingstocks they would have become if Jesus' tomb and body could have been produced, history regards Paul and the Apostles as men who "turned the world upside down" (Acts 17:6) and changed the course of history forever.
Are we to believe that the Jewish leaders of the time could not, with all the power and means at their disposal, discover the location of a family tomb that was located in the very area from which the heresy was spreading? And are we to believe that the original followers of Jesus – who suffered torments unimaginable – voluntarily endured such horrific treatment and violent deaths simply because they were unwilling to admit that their profession of a risen Christ was a lie?
Believing that scenario requires more faith than a bad-science-but-ripping-yarn television program deserves.
The recipe peddled by "The Tomb of Jesus" represents a pinch of fact surrounded by a good fistful of storytelling. And nothing within that pinch casts any significant doubt on a truth that has defeated all challengers for two millennia: the tomb of Jesus Christ was empty. He is risen. And He lives today.
If you are interested in really proving the truth of the Bible, please consider requesting our free booklet The Bible: Fact or Fiction? Don't take anyone's word for it – prove it for yourself!
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