What Is the Meaning of Life? | Tomorrow's World

What Is the Meaning of Life?

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What Is the Meaning of Life? is an update of our classic booklet Your Ultimate Destiny

Prove it straight from the pages of your own Bible!

  • Why were you born? What is the purpose of life?
  • Can you have an interesting and fulfilling destiny ahead of you, regardless of your present situation?
  • Is there life beyond death?
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Quick Synopsis

Most people never stop to consider their real purpose in life. In fact, most assume there is no real purpose. How about you? Is there any transcendent reason for you to be alive? Can you have a remarkably interesting and fulfilling destiny ahead of you, regardless of your present situation? Can you be 100 percent sure of a future rendezvous with happiness, joy, and peace?

Or are you living a fleeting, disappointing existence on planet Earth with no more purpose for your life than the birds, the bees, or, for that matter, the worms that crawl in the dirt? As a human being, you obviously have much higher intelligence than these creatures. You can visualize the future; you have hopes, dreams, and creative imagination far beyond any other form of physical life on this earth. Yet do all these gifts, potentials, and dreams rot when you die and “dust returns to dust”?

This truly is worth considering. You should think about it! Sure, some religious people may feel they will be wafted off to heaven to sit around for all eternity with nothing to do except “roll around heaven” all day, as a song goes. But you should not assume anything. Do not be gullible—find out for yourself and prove what is the meaning of life!

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