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Beloved in Christ, greetings to you in the greatest name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, from Russia! Thank you very much for your precious Christian books and DVD films! I ordered other publications at your website. Thank you for this excellent opportunity, and God bless you richly!
—Subscriber in Russia
Thank you for the wealth of understanding and awareness and warmth I receive from each paragraph of your printed booklets. After an illness last year that almost did me in (walking pneumonia—almost suffocated), I’ve had a realization that I need to get serious about my relationship with God. I’m blessed that I’ve been afforded a long life—mostly wasted, but enough to give me the opportunity to give back—even just a little—and increase my understanding of my relationship with the Lord. I’m a long way from being where I need to be (with Jesus), I struggle at times, but I’m thankful for now understanding “where once I was blind, now I can see.” The world is so full of evil and sin. My eyes have been opened! Thank you.
—Subscriber in California
Your Tomorrow’s World publication reminds me of Paul’s comment in 2 Timothy 3:16–17. This is when Paul reminds Timothy that God’s word is given to us to teach us what is right and wrong, to correct us when we drift, and to instruct us in how our heavenly Father and Creator desires for us to live. He is equipping us to live in this world and tomorrow’s world! I love it. Your publication seems to be based on those three principles and that is important to every follower of Christ Jesus. I would like to support you with a greater offering, but also the Lord Jesus will have to perform a miracle and multiply it in your hands. Until the Lord sees fit to bless me with more, enclosed is a small donation. May it bless your ministry.
—Subscriber in Washington
Thank you for all your literature and for offering all this free of charge. If there ever was a time when people needed hope, this is that time. Thank you for bringing God’s word, His promises, and His hope into our lives.
—Subscriber in Florida
I have finished the 24-lesson Bible Study Course and I’ve learned so much. I never before really understood the statement, “Let he who has eyes to see…” Some of the scriptures I’ve read many times but didn’t really see what they meant. I have filled twelve ring binders with notes along with every scripture referred to in the study. Great job to all who put this together.
—Subscriber in Wisconsin
Did you know Tomorrow’s World is my number one Christian show on TV? It’s because you all tell the truth. The others are wannabes. Please keep my subscription to your wonderful magazine.
—Subscriber in Ohio
My sincere thanks to the team at TW. I have been enlightened and helped in my trust and faith in Jesus. Prophecy has always interested me since the late 60s. I appreciate the materials you have sent me.
—Subscriber in Victoria, Australia