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Eighty years ago, President Herbert Hoover famously promised, "A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage" if elected. On the 80th anniversary of that promise, what is our ability to fulfill that pledge for the average American?
Sadly, Hoover's promise was to be crushed by the worst economic crisis the modern world has yet seen. In 1929 (the first year of his presidency), the Great Depression swept the nation, quickly disrupting millions of lives worldwide, shattering Hoover's promises, and contributing to world war.
Today, we are on the edge of another economic abyss with potentially severe geo-political consequences much worse than those of the 1930s. Accordingly, it is instructive to consider the two components of Hoover's campaign promise made those many years ago in light of today's news headlines. Consider:
The Chicken: While many are thankful for the recent drop in gas prices, the nation's meat producers have been fighting shrinking profits due to months of high commodity prices for essential items such as corn, oil and fuel, coupled with a huge drop in consumer demand as cash-strapped consumers cut back on higher-quality, more expensive meat purchases.
The problem is so severe that America's largest chicken producer – Pilgrim's Pride, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on December 1. Pilgrim's Pride feeds about 23 percent of US chicken consumers and also has a large presence in Mexico (Associated Press, December 1, 2008).
The world is experiencing drastic food price increases. During just the first few months of 2008, prices for corn increased by 31%, rice by 74%, soya by 87%, and wheat by 130% (BBC News, October 16, 2008). Not only are people finding it harder to afford food, but now some of our largest food producers are going bankrupt!
The Car: Currently, "Big Three" automotive CEO's are asking for more than $34 billion to salvage their sinking operations … and many warn that even this huge bailout can't save them. "GM, Ford and Chrysler went through nearly $18 billion in cash reserves during the past quarter, and GM and Chrysler have said they could collapse in weeks" (, December 3, 2008).
Some may reply, "Well, that is unfortunate for them, but this doesn't affect me." That would be an imprudent answer. Consider the massive new burden on government assistance programs that will result when tens of thousands of retirees, single parents, college students and unemployed lose their homes, declare bankruptcy, can no longer afford to feed themselves, and turn to the taxpayers for help. Consider the suffering these people will experience as they see their income, and their future crumble.
In the years ahead, the economy will likely experience temporary cyclical and governmentally-influenced rebounds. But, unfortunately, overall the coming years look bleak.
Leviticus 26:19-21, warns that God will "break the pride of our power" if we "walk contrary" to Him. And, Revelation 6:6 indicates that prior to Christ's return, food will be scarce and a minimal amount of grain will cost an entire day's wages! Because of our sins, the US, the UK, and the British-descended nations are especially warned that a time of terrible national punishment is looming if they do not repent.
The time to get very dedicated to prayer, Bible study, keeping God's Sabbaths, eliminating unnecessary expenditures, paying off your debts, tithing, fasting, and fully aligning yourself with your Heavenly Father is now!
These terrible prophecies are beginning to be fulfilled. Will you take heed? "The wise are cautious and avoid danger; [but] fools plunge ahead with great confidence (Proverbs 14:16, NLT).
The days of "A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage" are quickly fading away. Request God's People Tithe! and The Real God: Proofs and Promises to see how to ensure real security for yourself and for your family through the terrible years ahead.
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