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The good ol' USA has been on a binge. A real drunk. A fall down, slobbering, substance abuse induced intoxication. I'm not talking about alcohol or illicit drugs, but a binge nonetheless. And, as in an alcoholic stupor which leads to a terrific hangover, this country is feeling the painful effect of its overindulgence.
What am I referring to? If you have read the headlines or watched the news in the past few months, you know what I'm talking about. Our beloved country has been on an extended binge of overindulging on credit at all levels – personal, business and governmental – all engaging in an orgy of spending beyond their means and using other people's money. The excesses have been open and obvious for a long time. But, hey, everybody was doing it, so didn't that make it right? All the obvious warning signs were ignored. It couldn't happen here, could it?
But it did! And now the "bubble has burst." As a nation, and as a people, we are broke. Our biggest banks are failing, our largest manufacturers are bankrupt, national retail firms are liquidating, and many of our citizens are in a panic, worrying about their personal futures and that of their children and grandchildren.
It was so predictable. It was clearly coming, but everybody was having too much fun to pay much attention to the warnings that concerned experts were writing and speaking about in the various media.
There has been another "voice in the wilderness," "crying aloud and sparing not" for many years. Every week on television and on the Internet, powerful messages about where this nation and the world are heading if heartfelt and meaningful change is not made, are being broadcast. Every other month, hundreds of thousands of magazines with insightful articles are published and distributed free of charge to those who request them. Tens of thousands of booklets have been distributed that cover the need for basic moral changes, citing biblical prophecies we now see coming to pass.
Yet, out of the millions who have heard the message, only a few have listened, and fewer still have responded, making the necessary changes in their lives to get in harmony with the Way of life found in the pages of the world's best selling book, the Holy Bible.
As you read this brief opinion piece, you may think, "What relevance could the Bible possibly have to the current financial crisis that is wrecking the economies of nations around the world?" Actually, there is a direct connection, and it becomes very clear that God's Word is all about His plan for mankind that is inexorably being worked out here below, whether anyone acknowledges it or not. It is happening right before our eyes, if we will only see.
The Tomorrows World television program, the Tomorrows World magazine, along with the many booklets on prophecy and other biblical topics, explain what is going on around us and why.
Yes, this country and much of the world is drunk again. In the near future it will be shocked into sobriety and will finally understand the Way of life that brings what mankind really wants – peace, prosperity and happiness. You can have a foretaste of that time now.
If you want to face reality and learn what lies ahead, if you want to look beyond the awful difficulties of today and get a glimpse into the wonderful world ahead – a time of world peace and plenty – our programs, publications and website will lead the way. Take the time now to explore It will change your life for the better and give you real peace of mind. Don't worry, there is no request for money. All our literature is free of charge.
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