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In a recent Russian Izvestia article, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin shared his vision for a Eurasian union. Mr. Putin noted this future union would include several former “Eastern Block” nations, and also nations from Asia and the Pacific Rim. His vision calls for “a close integration based on new values and economic and political foundation [that] is a demand of the present time.” Mr. Putin commented that, “Along with other key players and regional structures, such as the European Union, the United States, China and the Asia Pacific Economic Community, it should ensure stability of global development”(Associated Press, October 4, 2011).
Bible prophecy has long foretold of something very similar to Mr. Putin’s vision for a Eurasian union, but with a very different outcome! Revelation 13 and Daniel 11:40-44 indicate that an end-time European Beast power [the King of the North] will move into the Glorious Land (Israel), but the Beast will be disturbed by news from the “east and the north”—the location of Mr. Putin’s Eurasian union! Revelation 8 and 9 describe events that will take place during the final year prior to Christ’s return—the Day of the Lord. The sixth trumpet plague of Revelation 9:13-19 and Daniel 11:44 describe a 200-million-man army that will descend on Jerusalem from the East. This army will kill one-third of mankind and destroy the armies of the Beast that have occupied Jerusalem. The only nations on earth today that have the potential to muster such a vast army are located in the geographical area of this proposed Eurasian union—Russia, China, India, etc.
For more information on this exciting topic, read our booklet Armageddon and Beyond.