God Mocked by Australian Parliamentarian | Tomorrow's World

God Mocked by Australian Parliamentarian

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The contentious issue of whether to legalize same-sex marriage continues to hover around the discussion table in the Australian Parliament.  Just this week, federal MP (Member of Parliament) Adam Bandt, of the Australian Greens Party, looked to boost support amongst MPs for his private “marriage equality” bill that he plans to submit to Parliament.

Although several MPs urged that the definition of marriage should not be changed, other Parliamentarians disagreed.  Labor backbencher, Graham Perrett, who himself has two homosexual brothers, called for the removal of “this final vestige of discrimination” against same-sex couples (Ninemsn News, June 18, 2012).  He also added, “It is timely for me to remind everyone that God did not write the Marriage Act… It was written by lawyers and legislators in ink not stone” (ibid).  This statement clearly alluded to God’s engraving of the Ten Commandments on stone in Exodus 20—in a blatant disrespectful slur on Australia’s former Christian heritage.  

However, Mr. Perrett is mistaken.  God DID in fact write the “Marriage Act” around 6,000 years ago, well before lawyers and legislators even existed!  We find in Genesis 2 that God made a woman, Eve, for Adam, united them in marriage (vv. 21-23), and then declared that future unions could be made when a man left his father and mother and was joined to his wife (v. 24).  From the beginning, God’s intention was for marriage to be solely between one male and one female (cf. Mark 10:6-9).  

Although Australia began as a God-fearing nation, this is no longer the case.  It appears that it is just a matter of time before legislation that is contrary to God’s laws is passed in Australian Parliament—and this will bring serious consequences that will punish this Israelite country.  Read or review our booklet The United States and Great Britain in Prophecy for the explanation of what lies just ahead for modern Israelite countries.