Europe Encouraged to Rediscover “Christian” Values | Tomorrow's World

Europe Encouraged to Rediscover “Christian” Values

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On June 11, 2012, Catholic Archbishop Dominique Mamberti addressed European ambassadors at a meeting ending Denmark’s six-month rotation in the EU presidency (L’Osservatore Romano, June 12, 2012). In his speech, the Archbishop made it clear that Europe needed to rediscover itself, in order to have a successful future.

He discussed the loss of cultural and social identity among Europeans as a people. In his address, he stated, “I am confident that even in the current difficulties our continent will be able to rediscover itself. The success of this undertaking will depend on the extent to which Europe can look with gratitude and recognition at its origins and, above all, at the ability to present anew constructively and creatively those Christian and human values such as the dignity of the human person, the profound sentiment of justice and freedom, hard work, the spirit of initiative, love for the family, respect for life and the desire for cooperation and peace, which are its characteristic features” (ibid.).

This “return to your Christian roots” message is one often repeated by Roman Catholic clerics in recent years.

Emperor Justinian I (527-565) also used religious values when he successfully united the Eastern and Western empires during his rule.  “In the Byzantine Empire, church and state were indissolubly linked as essential aspects of a single Christian empire that was thought of as the terrestrial counterpart of the heavenly polity. It was therefore the duty of Justinian, as it was for later Byzantine emperors, to promote the good government of the church and to uphold orthodox teaching” (Encyclopedia Britannica, “Justinian I”). 

End-time prophecies reveal that a powerful church will support a revived European Beast power and will influence its policies (Revelation 17:1-5). For centuries the Roman Catholic Church has been a strong influence in Europe, and it will again play an instrumental role in uniting ten nations or leaders in the final revival of a European power with clear historical links to ancient Rome. 

For more information on the Beast and its influence, read our eye-opening booklet, The Beast of Revelation:  Myth, Metaphor, or Soon-Coming Reality?