Children of Same-Sex Couples Are Worse Off | Tomorrow's World

Children of Same-Sex Couples Are Worse Off

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“Challenging more than a decade of scholarship, a study out of the University of Texas has found that adults raised by same-sex parents reported significant differences in the quality of their lives compared with children of married, heterosexual biological parents” (Statesman, June 11, 2012). This study is “the largest nationally representative study” of its kind, carried out by highly trained faculty from a prestigious research institution.

Results reveal that: “69 percent of adults with lesbian mothers and 57 percent with gay fathers reported receiving welfare while growing up” yet only “Seventeen percent of those raised by their biological parents who were married” were on welfare.  The study also reported that, “38 percent of adults with lesbian mothers and 23 percent with gay fathers reported they are on welfare” while only “Ten percent of those raised by their biological parents are.”  Another finding was that, “19 percent with gay or lesbian parents reported having recent psychological therapy” yet only “Eight percent of those raised by married biological parents” reported any recent psychotherapy. 

Researchers say that “We don’t have good theoretical reasons as to why these differences might be” (ibid.). However, the Bible, written thousands of years ago, sheds light on the theoretical underpinnings of these study findings. God commanded that marriage was to be between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24), and that any union outside this sacred relationship was considered sin/adultery (Exodus 20:14; 1 Corinthians 6:18; Hebrews 13:4).

The Bible is full of examples of blessings for obedience to the living laws of God, including “You shall walk in all the ways which the LORD your God has commanded you, that you may live and that it may be well with you…” (Deuteronomy 5:33). The God of the Bible desires that human beings live happy and abundant lives (John 10:10). But there is just one path that leads to life—the other paths lead to sadness, despair, and ultimately death (Matthew 7:13-14).

For more information on blessings that come with obedience to God’s laws, see our informative booklet, The Ten Commandments.