Taliban is winning in Afghanistan. | Tomorrow's World

Taliban is winning in Afghanistan.

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In 2001, the United States declared the “War on Terror” and began fighting against the Taliban in Afghanistan.  Twelve years later, the U.S. has spent more than $1.1 trillion dollars, and lost 2,000 American lives (ABC News, October 1, 2012).  Nearly 450 British soldiers have also died in Afghanistan (BBC, November 1, 2012).  This massive war effort was intended to destroy the Taliban and its affiliates, but instead, the Taliban has increased in strength.

“A UN report has said that the Afghan Taliban raised around 310 million euros [397 million dollars] last year, mostly through tax and extortion” (Deutsche Welle, September 12, 2012).  The U.S. military presence has not deterred the Taliban from advancing its power through criminal activity.  “The Taliban can only achieve their objectives if there is lawlessness and crime.  The fact that the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan are able to increase their funds every year is an indication that the crime rate is high in these countries” (ibid.).

To make matters worse, after current president Hamid Karzai completes his second term, the Taliban becomes eligible to run a presidential candidate.  “The Afghan election commission has said that the Taliban can stand in the country’s next presidential elections in 2014; a move that experts say can prove to be a double-edged sword for the war-torn nation” (Deutsche Welle, November 1, 2012).

Few people link the War on Terror with Bible prophecy, yet God warned that if His people turn away from following His laws, “I will even appoint terror over you” (Leviticus 26:16).  Instead of repenting of their sins, the U.S., Britain and other Israelite nations have increased their sins!  Same-sex marriage, homosexual priests, unprecedented abortion rates, and wide-spread divorce are common and supported by national lawmakers.  If these trends continue, God warned, “I will set My face against you, and you shall be defeated by your enemies” (v. 17).  

Victory may be “claimed” against the Taliban in Afghanistan, but the war will not be won, just as the War in Iraq was not won.  Ultimately, these efforts only fulfilled God’s prophetic words, “you shall flee when no one pursues you” (v. 17).  U.S. military forces hastily fled Iraq in 2011 when no one pursued them, leaving behind an unfinished job, and they plan to do the same to Afghanistan in 2014.  

The U.S. and Britain must wake up spiritually, or the “pride of [their] power” will be completely broken (v. 19).  For more information on these sobering events, be sure to review our insightful booklet, The United States and Great Britain in Prophecy.