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Conditions are deteriorating in the CAR, foreign governments are evacuating their citizens, and African Union and French forces are being sent to quell the violence which is mostly Muslim vs. Christian (BBC, December 31, 2013). There are more than 6,000 child soldiers in CAR, and factions are murdering and beheading children in “atrocious revenge attacks,” in a clear violation of international humanitarian law (ibid.). Also, thousands of children in South Sudan have been separated from their parents due to the fighting in that nation (BBC, December 30, 2013).
In the book of Ezekiel, God promises to protect those who “sigh and cry over all the abominations” committed in Israelite-descended nations at the end of the age (9:4-6). However, true Christians will also sigh and cry for the atrocities committed against any human being made in the image of God, whatever their location or religion! The Bible reveals that God desires to spare and protect the poor and needy around the earth—“precious shall be their blood in His sight” (Psalm 72:13-14). When true Christians hear of the horrors of war, they should be motivated to fervently pray, “Thy kingdom come”! (Matthew 6:10).
Although the world is headed for a difficult time (see Revelation 6, 8, 9, 16), the return of Jesus Christ will end these atrocities and usher in a time of unprecedented peace on the earth (see Isaiah 2 and 11). For more information on this coming time of peace, read our informative article entitled “Will Wars Ever Cease?”