Religious Discrimination in Europe | Tomorrow's World

Religious Discrimination in Europe

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“Times are getting more difficult for members of minority religions across Europe as nationalism, security fears and anti-immigrant movements gain ground” (Double Helix, June 27, 2018). Harassment is “aimed mostly at Muslims and Jews, although other faiths—including some Christian groups in a few places—also faced discrimination.” Nations like Belgium, Denmark, Holland and France have all moved to limit the expression of Muslim beliefs and practices. Italy’s new government has suggested that only Italians be allowed to live in Italy and that non-Italians should be deported. The migration issue in Europe is dividing nations, and some think the issue could destroy the EU (The Guardian, June 28, 2018). As European political parties revive nationalistic agendas, the marginalization of non-Catholic religious groups promises to increase.

For decades the Catholic Church has encouraged secular Europeans to return to their religious roots—Catholicism. We are beginning to see greater pressures to comply with this directive, in the form of non-Catholic groups being persecuted and attacked. In light of Europe’s history and also Bible prophecy, this comes as no surprise. Bible prophecy reveals that a universal “mother” church will rise once again over her harlot daughters (see Revelation 17:3–6). According to these scriptures, this church and its leader are prophesied to “ride” or provide guidance and direction to a coming military and political power in Europe known as the “beast” (v. 7), and they will forcefully promote the acceptance and worship of this coming “beast” (Revelation 13:11–18).

Today, developments in Europe appear to be setting the stage for the empowerment of this great universal church that in past centuries did not tolerate those who were not part of her belief system. To better understand where the emerging religious discrimination in Europe will lead, be sure to watch “Seven Signs of the Beast.”