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While commentators in the media and government debate the consequences of rapidly developing world events, Bible prophecies provide unique insights about the future that are missing from these discussions. The Bible predicts the rise of a European “beast” power at the end of the age. This “beast” will be a political and religiously supported entity that will become an economic and military powerhouse (see Revelation 13). It will emerge as the final revival of the ancient Roman Empire (Daniel 2:40–45)—and it will rule without the help of Britain and the United States.
From a global perspective, many current U.S. actions are viewed as divisive. North American and European relationships with the U.S. are strained by American actions that are seen as protectionist and isolationist. The current actions of the American government could facilitate the emergence of the European “beast” power. According to a recent report, “the mood in Europe now is one of anger, unity and determination…. Trump has accomplished what numerous European advocates of further EU integration failed to achieve: He’s convinced member states and Brussels that without a more muscular approach to trade and security, one based more on the hard knocks of geopolitics than on the appeal of soft power, the EU will be pushed around as a strategic actor in the global arena” (World Politics Review, June 6, 2018). The article concludes, “Hubert Vedrine, the former French foreign minister, has often argued that the EU must choose between whether it wants to be an enormous Switzerland or a global power. There is another alternative, that of a Fortress Europe: open, prosperous and protected within its borders, but suspicious of the world and using its power abroad for predatory purposes. Trump’s policies raise the risk that this alternative will prove attractive, which would be a loss for everyone”—Europe could become the “predator”—or “beast”—the Bible has predicted!
Quickly moving world events can be confusing. However, Bible prophecies reveal the unsuspected significance of events that will create headlines at the end of the age, just before the return of Jesus Christ. For more information about where such events are leading, be sure to read or listen to our free publication, The Beast of Revelation, Myth, Metaphor or Soon-Coming Reality?