Deadly Diseases Coming to the UK and U.S. | Tomorrow's World

Deadly Diseases Coming to the UK and U.S.

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“The UK is vulnerable to epidemics such as Ebola because of a gaping hole in the country’s ability to manufacture vaccines, a group of MPs has warned… ‘Existing [pharmaceutical] facilities are degraded… leaving the UK in a vulnerable position’” (BBC, January 25, 2016). How likely are Ebola and other new infectious diseases to make their way to the UK and the U.S.? “Three travellers who returned to the UK from South and Central America have been diagnosed with the Zika virus, a mosquito-borne illness that has been linked to brain deformities in babies” (The Guardian, January 23, 2016). “The New York State Department of Health announced on its website late Friday that three people in the state had tested positive for the Zika virus” (Deutsche Welle, January 23, 2016). According to the World Health Organization, Zika virus “is likely to spread to all countries in the Americas except for Canada and Chile” (Reuters, January 25, 2016).

Jesus Christ prophesied that “pestilences” or disease epidemics will be one of the clear signs of the end of the age (Luke 21:11). In time, these epidemics will more profoundly impact the world and especially the Israelite-descended nations, due to their rejection of the biblical values they were founded upon (Deuteronomy 28:15, 59-60). This world sorely needs the return of Christ and the peace and safety He will usher in at His return. For more insight into the society Christ will establish at His return, read “Biblical Health Laws.”