Japan Seeks Leading Role in 2016 | Tomorrow's World

Japan Seeks Leading Role in 2016

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Shinzo Abe, the Japanese prime minister expressed his desire to see 2016 as the year “Japan will shine on the global stage and demonstrate its leadership” (Japan Times, January 1, 2016). In 2015 there was a historic shift, “in Japan’s postwar [WWII] security policy, the legislation, aiming to expand the scope of the Self-Defense Forces’ activities abroad, was enacted.” This allowed “Japan to exercise the right to collective self-defense—or [come] to the aid of the United States and other friendly nations under armed attack, even if Japan itself is not attacked” (ibid.). The prime minister seeks to rewrite the constitution, hinting that the current one is “a document that many conservatives [in Japan] believe was imposed upon a defeated Japan by the victorious powers in 1945” (Deutsche Welle, January 25, 2016). With a revised constitution, Japan could become more formidable in global strategic defense. With this new focus, Abe may seek to send “a crate of champagne to Beijing and another one to Pyongyang” which could cool security concerns in Japan (ibid.).

In the years ahead, a powerful Asiatic superpower will lead a very large army across the Euphrates River toward Jerusalem with the aim of destroying the European Beast power based in the region (Revelation 9:13-18; Daniel 11:44-45). As Asian countries seek closer relationships, we see God’s hand moving world affairs toward the climax of His plan and soon-coming return (Isaiah 46:10; Revelation 11:15). How can you prepare? Study deeply our booklet Prophecy Fulfilled: God’s Hand in World Affairs.