Exploiting the Oceans | Tomorrow's World

Exploiting the Oceans

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“Life in the oceans is in catastrophic decline with the number of fish, seabirds and marine mammals having halved since 1970… The report, based on analysis of more than 600 studies and assessments of 1,234 marine species, says that the average size of populations declined by 49 per cent between 1970 and 2012” (The Times, September 16, 2015). “Tuna and mackerel populations have suffered a ‘catastrophic’ decline of nearly three quarters in the last 40 years, according to new research… The conservation charity [World Wildlife Fund] warned that we face losing species critical to human food security, unless drastic action is taken to halt overfishing and other threats to marine life. Louise Heaps, chief advisor on marine policy at WWF UK, said: ‘…We are destroying vital food sources, and the ecology of our oceans.’… However, Heaps said there were solutions. ‘It’s not all doom-and-gloom. There are choices we can make. But it is urgent’” (The Guardian, September 15, 2015).

These tragic circumstances were foretold long ago. The prophet Hosea foresaw a time when exploitive human activities would result in “even the fish of the sea will be taken away” (Hosea 4:1-3), and the Apostle Paul commented that at the end of the age “the whole creation groans” waiting for the revealing of the sons of God (Romans 8:19, 22). Yet there are better times coming when Jesus Christ will return to “destroy [punish] those who destroy the earth” (Revelation 11:18) and use His saints to teach mankind how to be responsible stewards of God’s creation (see Genesis 1:26; 2:15). To gain a better understanding of this incredible future, be sure to read our booklet The World Ahead: What Will It Be Like?