Palestinian "Day of Rage" | Tomorrow's World

Palestinian "Day of Rage"

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“Palestinian men armed with knives and a gun killed at least three people and wounded several others in a string of attacks in Jerusalem and near Tel Aviv on Tuesday, police said, on a ‘Day of Rage’ declared by Palestinian groups. With the worst unrest in years in Israel and the Palestinian territories showing no sign of abating, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened an emergency meeting of his security cabinet to discuss what police said would be new operational plans” (Reuters, October 13, 2015). “In Jerusalem, two Palestinians shot and stabbed passengers on a bus, killing two and injuring four, police said. One of the assailants was killed and the other captured. Minutes later, a Palestinian rammed his car into a bus stop in an ultra-Orthodox Jewish neighborhood of the city, police said. A surveillance video showed him then hacking pedestrians with a cleaver until he was shot dead by a passer-by. One of the Israelis he attacked died and six others were hurt, police said… Seven Israelis and 29 Palestinians, including 10 alleged attackers and eight children, have died in the surge of violence” (ibid.).

These tragic events in the Holy Land are “crying out” for external political and military intervention to bring stability and relative peace to this war-torn region. The Bible reveals that a brief peace will come to this region as a result of an agreement brokered by the “king of the north” and which will be broken halfway through (Daniel 9:27; Psalm 83:1-8; Daniel 11:27-30). Eventually the “beast” or “king of the north” will surround Jerusalem with armies and take total control (Daniel 11:31; Luke 21:20-21), and then Christ will return and bring true and lasting peace to Jerusalem! For more about these coming events, read “Jerusalem’s Sobering Future!