Deadly Asian Flooding | Tomorrow's World

Deadly Asian Flooding

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“Monsoon rains have claimed hundreds of lives across Asia, authorities reported Monday, as rescuers scrambled to reach remote areas of India, Pakistan and Myanmar after flash floods and landslides. Authorities in India say more than 120 people have died across the country in recent days, while more than a million have been displaced by rains worsened by a cyclone that barrelled through the Bay of Bengal last week”  (L’Agence France-Presse, August 3, 2015).

“In neighbouring Myanmar heavy seasonal rains—augmented by Cyclone Komen—have killed 46 people so far and affected more than 200,000, with swathes of the country hit by rooftop-high floods… Thousands of others are already in camps for the displaced including in the Kalay district of Sagaing region, where residents told of unusually powerful floodwaters swamping homes in hours. ‘We’ve lost all that we have. Our house is still under water,’ Htay Shein, 62, told AFP from a temporary shelter in Kalay” (ibid.).

Although catastrophic flooding is just one of many signs Christ predicted for the end of the age (Luke 21:10, 11, 25), witnessing suffering on such a vast scale should move every professing Christian to pray fervently for God’s Kingdom to come quickly (Matthew 6:10)! All human beings are made in God’s image no matter their nationality or ethnicity (Genesis 1:26).

And one day soon, when Christ returns and sets up His Kingdom on the earth, all human beings will experience the peace, safety and abundance that He brings (read the powerful prophecy of Isaiah 35). For a clearer vision of this awesome future time, read The World Ahead: What Will It Be Like?