Are NATO’s Days Numbered? | Tomorrow's World

Are NATO’s Days Numbered?

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Article Five of the North Atlantic Treaty clearly states “an armed attack against one or more of them [NATO members] in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all” (EU Observer, June 10, 2015). However, “More than half of Germans, Italians, and French are opposed to using military force to help a NATO ally in a conflict with Russia, according to a survey published by US think tank Pew on Wednesday (10 June).

In Germany, 58 percent said their country should not get involved in a hypothetical conflict between Russia and a neighboring NATO state, indicating an erosion of the solidarity on which the alliance is built” (ibid.). “But, in a sign of how Europeans view US protection, large majorities in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the UK believe the US would use force against Russia even if their own states wouldn’t” (ibid.). The U.S. obviously cannot support NATO actions alone, and thus the future of NATO, if left up to the citizens of many of its member nations, is on tenuous footing.

Bible prophecy reveals that a powerful European force known as the “beast” or “king of the north” (absent the U.S. and Britain), will be the world superpower for a time, as we approach the end of the age (Daniel 11:40-43). This beast power will become the dominant power in Europe, politically and militarily, and likely replace NATO. For more insight into this coming new European power, be sure to read The Beast of Revelation: Myth, Metaphor or Soon-Coming Reality?