News and Prophecy | Page 5 | Tomorrow's World

News and Prophecy

Haitians Living in Fear

  1. 12th February 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

AI generated image of a Haitian woman with a frightened expression peering from a doorway Why do gangs and dictators want to control entire regions and countries? Their self-centered actions and often lawless ways indicate that the people of those countries do not matter to them. Nowhere is this more evident, perhaps, than in the Caribbean nation of Haiti, where current conditions certainly reflect the biblical warning that “when a wicked man rules,...


European Farmers Protest

  1. 09th February 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Parade of tractors approaching the Brandenburg Gate As reported by Reuters and multiple news outlets, angry farmers are staging massive protests all across Europe over rising costs of fuel and fertilizer, the removal of government subsidies, increased environmental regulation related to climate change, and low-cost imported foods that are undercutting locally produced goods. Germany, Belgium, Greece, Portugal,...


Europe Pushed to Stand Alone

  1. 05th February 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

castle on a mountain representing the EU above smaller surrounding mountains Western Europe and America have been allies in two world wars, the Persian Gulf crises, and many other conflicts. However, the winds of change are blowing, and the possibility of a second Trump presidency has European leaders facing a new reality—that Europe’s future defense may be up to Europeans alone (Politico, January 16, 2024)!


Will 2024 Elections Change the World?

  1. 02nd February 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

shadowy figure with EU flag and ballot box The 2024 calendar year will see a record number of national and parliamentary elections, with nearly half the world’s population, 3.8 billion people, theoretically going to the polls to vote for new leaders (January 1, 2024). As Nicholas Vinocur notes in an article for Politico, “Indeed, from the United States to the U.K.


“Kill [Jews] Wherever You Find Them”

  1. 29th January 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

laser sights aiming at the glob and a Moslem man shouting into a megaphone Jews have suffered from hatred and persecution from many nations all over the world for millennia. From the ancient Persian court official Haman who tried to exterminate all Jews in the Persian Empire, as recorded in the book of Esther, to the Holocaust of the Third Reich, evil people have worked to annihilate the Jewish people—the tribe of Israel that brought...


Israel Faces War on Seven Fronts!

  1. 26th January 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

nation of Israel surrounded by toy soldiers holding guns In September 2023, Israel had already made peace with several Arab neighbors and was poised to sign a peace deal with Saudi Arabia. Then, October 7 happened, and the current Israel-Hamas war erupted, which has now dragged on for three months and embroiled more of the world in proxy wars. And there are signs the conflict is spreading.


The Impact of Traditional Families on Crime

  1. 22nd January 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

stick figure drawing of a family with the father being torn away The Bible may be an ancient text, but modern research continues to validate the values and principles taught within its pages. A recent report in the 2023 Institute for Family Studies entitled “Stronger Families, Safer Streets” highlighted a nationwide study of census and crime data from 613 U.S. cities with populations over 65,000.


U.S. Navy No Longer Elicits Fear

  1. 19th January 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

US Naval ships with a dark and gloomy sky and American flag in the sky For decades, Britannia ruled the waves. Then, the baton was passed to the United States during World War II. But God warned that curses would come upon the Israelite-descended nations if they rejected Him, stating: “I will break the pride of your power” (Leviticus 26:19). One of the greatest evidences of British and American power has been their militaries—...


Multiple American States Evacuate Capitol Buildings

  1. 15th January 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Spillover from the war in Gaza is far-reaching, and terrorist groups have threatened to attack Israel’s allies. As NBC News reported last week, “At least six state capitol complexes across the U.S. were forced to evacuate Wednesday morning because of bomb threats” (January 3, 2024).

