News and Prophecy | Page 36 | Tomorrow's World

News and Prophecy

Quantum Apocalypse

  1. 15th February 2021
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

This is a term many have used to refer to a future where the current “super computer arms race will remake the world” (Jerusalem Post, January 29, 2021). Quantum computers have been discussed for years, and many companies and nations are working to make the proposed technology a reality. Many fear that the first nation to master this technology will have a...


Europe—A Model for Nations?

  1. 12th February 2021
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Eurosceptics continually criticize problems within the European Union, bringing up squabbles between nations, trade disputes, financial crises, and problems with the rollout of the coronavirus vaccine. Yet Der Spiegel editor-in-chief Ullrich Fichtner observes, “Despite its long list of crises in recent years… the European Union has become a global pacesetter.


Strong Families and Job Success

  1. 08th February 2021
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Many articles in the popular press pit family life against work success. But a new University of Georgia study found that those with a strong family life were better managers at work (Middle Georgia CEO, January 21, 2021). The new study “found that positive interactions with your child during your off hours can make you a better leader.” The study’s lead author...


India’s Bird Flu Epidemic

  1. 01st February 2021
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

In addition to struggling against COVID-19, India is facing two different strains of bird flu (Deutsche Welle, January 14, 2021). The nation has culled thousands of birds and warned citizens that the flu can spread through human-to-human contact, though the highest risk comes from contact with poultry.


New Relationships Among Arab Nations

  1. 29th January 2021
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Beginning last summer, the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Morocco, and Bahrain signed onto the Abraham Accords—a peace deal some call “the most significant breakthrough in the Arab-Israeli conflict since the 1990s” (Foreign Policy, December 21, 2020). Many don’t believe these nations are interested in peace, but instead are concerned about how they can benefit...


Will North Korea Start an Arms Race?

  1. 25th January 2021
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un recently “boasted of deploying hypersonic missiles, spy satellites, multi-warhead intercontinental ballistic missiles and the North's own nuclear-powered submarine” (Deutsche Welle, January 14, 2021). In response, South Korean officials are contemplating developing their own nuclear-powered submarine. Analysts are concerned “that...


China-EU Trade Deal Implications

  1. 22nd January 2021
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

As 2020 drew to a close, the European Union and China tied up a trade deal known as the “Comprehensive Agreement on Investment”—a deal that, only a year earlier, Chinese leaders thought very unlikely (The Diplomat, January 4, 2021). Ultimately, the agreement seeks to level the playing field for EU investments in China. In turn, more sectors of the European...


More Locusts for East Africa?

  1. 18th January 2021
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

The year 2020 brought a massive locust plague that caused widespread destruction of crops and livelihoods in East African nations (Deutsche Welle, January 5, 2021). The COVID-19 pandemic has only added to the catastrophe, and about 35 million people have been left in a state of “food insecurity.”


Unrest in U.S. Capital

  1. 15th January 2021
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Riots and demonstrations rocked a number of American cities in 2020, but the protest in Washington, DC, on January 6 was something different. On that day, protestors claiming to be supporters of President Donald Trump pushed their way into the U.S. Capitol Building, resulting in widespread damage and five deaths. Protestors apparently felt emboldened by comments...


Nature and Relief from COVID Stress

  1. 11th January 2021
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

man relaxing in a peaceful field The coronavirus pandemic has again drawn attention to the benefits of spending time in contact with the natural world. A recent survey in the UK found that nearly two-thirds of adults reported that spending time in God’s creation provided relief from stress related to the COVID-19 crisis: “Nearly half the respondents… felt that spending time in green spaces has...

