News and Prophecy | Page 117 | Tomorrow's World

News and Prophecy

Could Japan's Military Policy Change?

  1. 23rd May 2014
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Following World War II, Japan's constitution was developed to prevent future military conquests by the Japanese. However, recent provocations by China and North Korea have caused the Japanese to reconsider the 70-year-old ban on a military (Reuters, May 15, 2014).


Increasing Risk of Nuclear War

  1. 19th May 2014
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

A recent report “recounting a litany of near-misses in which nuclear weapons came close to being launched by mistake concludes that the risk of potentially catastrophic accidents is higher than previously thought and appears to be rising” (The Guardian, April 29, 2014).


Robin Hood Tax and End-Time Prophecy

  1. 16th May 2014
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

The European Union is pushing for a financial transaction tax (FTT) and Britain is pushing back (BBC, April 30, 2014). Of particular interest to students of Bible prophecy is that 11 of 27 EU member states are going ahead with the FTT, even though the particulars have yet to be decided upon. The eleven nations are: “Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Belgium,...


Severe Weather Devastation

  1. 14th May 2014
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

This week, severe weather spawned tornadoes across Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia, killing more than 30 people (New York Times, April 29, 2014).


Earth Destroyed Next Week?

  1. 05th May 2014
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Prominent religious leader Pat Robertson predicted the destruction of the world by a meteor, during a recent airing of The 700 Club. “A giant meteor will bring an end to the world is a prophecy by none other than Jesus Christ… It could be next week, it could be 1,000 years from now. But nevertheless, we want to be ready whenever the Lord says, ‘I’m wrapping it...


A Changing Deadly Virus

  1. 02nd May 2014
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Resistance to drugs is a growing problem for a number of diseases. New research has discovered that the virus that causes AIDS is adapting to the human immune response (International Business Times, April 27, 2014). As a result, researchers believe the mutations could result in a decreased ability to fight HIV—especially in African populations where the...


Did Jesus Have a Wife?

  1. 30th April 2014
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

A papyrus unveiled in 2012 has just been pronounced “authentic” by archaeologists. The four by eight centimeter fragment known as the “Gospel of Jesus’s Wife” contains the phrase, written in Coptic, “Jesus said to them, ‘My Wife…’” (New York Times, April 10, 2014).


Is Britain a Christian Country?

  1. 28th April 2014
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

In a recent article for an Anglican publication, Prime Minister David Cameron commented on the need for more Christian values in politics (responsibility, hard work, love, compassion, etc.). He then stated that Britain is a “Christian country”—alluding to Britain’s state church (New York Times, April 21, 2014). But critics jumped on Mr. Cameron’s comments,...


A Trigger for the Beast!

  1. 25th April 2014
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Russia’s annexation of Crimea and its threats to intervene in eastern Ukraine have triggered a sobering response from the European nations—a region where the future Beast of Revelation will arise.

