The oceans in trouble. | Tomorrow's World

The oceans in trouble.

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According to scientists at the International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO), “The health of the oceans is deteriorating far more rapidly than expected… they predict that marine life could be on the brink of mass extinction” (The Times, June 21, 2011).   While scientists have been witnessing drop-offs in species population sizes for years, current numbers are far more extensive than originally understood.  “The report warned that damage to marine life would harm its [the ocean’s] ability to support humans, and that entire ecosystems, such as coral reefs, could be lost in a generation.”

The Bible reveals that God intended mankind to be wise and loving stewards of His creation (Genesis 2:15).  Biblical guidelines are intended to “preserve” plant and animal species—for example, female birds were to be preserved to bear future generations (Deuteronomy 22:6-7).  Today’s greed-driven fishing policies foster “over-fishing” that pushes species to the brink of extinction.  The decline of one species then impacts other species.  The sad story is that when we disrupt ecosystems and violate the natural laws that God has designed, there are serious consequences!

The Bible reveals that Jesus Christ is going to return and put an end to the exploitation and destruction of God’s creation (Revelation 11:17-18; Romans 8:18-22).  The ecosystems of this earth will be restored as a result of righteous government in the coming Kingdom of God (see Isaiah 35).