Tensions Rise in South China Sea | Tomorrow's World

Tensions Rise in South China Sea

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“Japan and the United States staged a naval show of strength off Tokyo Bay on Sunday as they flashed a pair of powerful, flat-deck warships perhaps just days before the U.S. Navy plans to challenge disputed Chinese claims to territory in the nearby South China Sea” (USA Today, October 19, 2015). The South China Sea has become a flashpoint of tension in Asia as China seeks to exert more control by building artificial islands, which many see as potential bases for military use, something China denies. Nonetheless, “U.S. officials have said in recent weeks that they plan to send U.S. warships within the presumed 12-mile territorial limit around the new islands. The patrols would be intended to demonstrate U.S. commitment to ‘freedom of navigation’ in the region” (ibid.). Japan itself has scrambled a record number of aircraft within the past year to combat Chinese air patrols over Japanese-claimed sovereign territory and waters (Sputnik News, October 19, 2015).

The rising tension in Asia is nothing new to those following Tomorrow’s World. The Bible makes it clear that shortly before Jesus Christ returns, a superpower from Asia will attack a European superpower after being provoked (Daniel 11:44; Revelation 9:12-16; 16:12). China’s growing power and confidence could contribute to the fulfillment of these prophecies. For more information on Asia’s future, read our article, “Who Will Rule the Waves?