“Nuclear War Is Much Closer Than We Dare Imagine” | Tomorrow’s World — September 2, 2024

"Nuclear War Is Much Closer Than We Dare Imagine”

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“Nuclear War Is Much Closer Than We Dare Imagine” was the sobering title of an article in the Telegraph on August 21. The article outlines Russian, Chinese, and North Korean nuclear advances, and discusses Russia’s work on new nuclear-related space-based technologies about which few details are known. This long-term nuclear threat from space is something U.S. policymakers have been unable to slow. The author of the article points out several mistakes U.S. leaders have made in recent years that have likely added to the nuclear risk in the world, such as allowing China to increase its nuclear arsenal from 300 to 500 warheads—a number that is likely to double again by 2030.

Powerful nations are attuned to the risks of nuclear brinksmanship. Recently, both China and India put pressure on Russia to avoid the use of tactical nuclear weapons in its war with Ukraine. As the nuclear weapons technology of enemies of the West surges ahead, analysts are calling for Western nations to rebuild and modernize their own arsenals—and to do so as quickly as possible.

The nuclear game playing out among many nations today is a reminder that we live in an unprecedented period, with conditions that have never existed before. Jesus Christ foretold that if He does not return, “no flesh would be saved” (Matthew 24:22). The possibility of human annihilation did not exist until the advent of nuclear weapons, roughly 80 years ago. Without the hope of Christ’s intervention, this world appears to be headed toward oblivion. Yet, the Bible reveals that Jesus will return as the Savior of mankind (Acts 1:9–11; John 4:42). To learn what to look for before His return, read or listen to Fourteen Signs Announcing Christ’s Return.