Judges in Confusion | Tomorrow’s World News and Prophecy — December 9, 2024

Judges in Confusion

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The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom is currently hearing a case that seeks to define what a woman is (Associated Press, November 26, 2024). A conclusion that was once possible for a child in kindergarten to draw—whether someone is a man or a woman—now requires a panel of five adult judges with decades of legal and life experience. The case is being brought by a women’s rights group that opposes the Scottish government’s desire to define a biological man who holds a female “gender recognition certificate” as a woman. At the center of the debate is the composition of Scottish decision-making bodies that are required by law to be 50 percent male and 50 percent female. Conceivably, under the Scottish government’s intended definition of a woman, a board could be comprised of 100 percent biological men so long as 50 percent of them “identify” as a woman. The judges of a lower court had rejected the challenge, in favor of the Scottish government’s gender confusion, resulting in this appeal to the highest judges of the land.

Today, the Israelite-descended countries of the world—such as Scotland and the rest of the UK—are increasingly becoming lands of confusion where judges are no longer able to recognize truth and biological reality. The prophet Isaiah warns of a time when the people of those nations will “call evil good, and good evil” and confuse “darkness for light” and “bitter for sweet” (Isaiah 5:20). He warns, as well, that society will reach a state where “the whole head is sick” and confused (Isaiah 1:5). Our sad state of affairs was prophesied in the pages of the Bible. To get a better grasp of what is happening in our world today, be sure to read or listen to The United States and Great Britain in Prophecy.