Is Germany Preparing for War? | Tomorrow’s World News and Prophecy — August 2, 2024

Is Germany Preparing for War?

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After Russia invaded Ukraine two years ago, fear and unrest spread across Europe. A ground war on European soil conjured up memories of the past. Following the invasion, Germany’s Interior Minister stated that “Germany is to begin strengthening its bunker and basement infrastructure following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine” (The Independent, April 9, 2022). She also noted that “civil servants had been ordered to work up new concepts for strengthening underground car parks, railway stations and basements to act as possible sanctuaries in the case of conflict.” German states received €88 million for new air-raid sirens.

In June of this year, Germany’s “Federal Interior Ministry presented its state counterparts with a ‘status report on the development of a modern shelter concept’ for the German population” (Deutsche Welle, July 1, 2024). Three months earlier, the German Association of Towns and Municipalities had asked the federal government to invest €10 billion in the next ten years on civilian protection—including the request to revive 2,000 bunkers built during the Cold War, though some warn that such bunkers are no longer viable in an era when a hypersonic missile could reach Germany from Russia in just a few minutes. Business is booming for companies that build private panic rooms and bunkers.

Calls for restoring wartime bomb shelters on a national scale indicate that fear of war in Europe is real and growing. While the continent wrestles with the ominous unknown, Bible prophecy reveals real details about what is to come—yes, times of fear, but also an unprecedented time of lasting world peace that will follow. To learn more about what lies ahead, read or listen to Armageddon and Beyond.