Is Britain a Christian Country? | Tomorrow's World --> --> --> --> --> --> -->

Is Britain a Christian Country?

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In a recent article for an Anglican publication, Prime Minister David Cameron commented on the need for more Christian values in politics (responsibility, hard work, love, compassion, etc.). He then stated that Britain is a “Christian country”—alluding to Britain’s state church (New York Times, April 21, 2014). But critics jumped on Mr. Cameron’s comments, pointing out that Britain is “not a ‘Christian country’” (ibid.). The Telegraph published an open letter to Mr. Cameron, signed by more than 50 public figures who labeled his comments as “divisive” and reminding him that Britain is predominantly a “non-religious society” (The Telegraph, April 20, 2014). 

The sad truth is that this once professing-Christian nation, which brought order and justice to much of the world, is no longer the moral leader that it once was—just as God prophesied several thousand years ago. God warned that because of their sins, He would cast the “whole posterity of Ephraim” out of His sight (Jeremiah 7:15). God predicted that the British-descended nations (Ephraim) would be “joined to idols” (Hosea 4:17) and filled with “harlotry” (Hosea 5:3)—which will bring serious consequences.

For more on this sobering topic, read our article on “Britain’s Religious Demise.”

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