Iran Challenges U.S. Global Authority | Tomorrow's World

Iran Challenges U.S. Global Authority

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Iran has become emboldened since the recent nuclear deal and is challenging U.S. foreign policy. “Iranian Army Commander Maj. Gen. Ataollah Salehi… announced that Iran intends to deploy warships and destroyers in Latin America… to expand its military cooperation with countries opposing the US” (Israel National News, April 3, 2016). Last month, “Iran test fired two types of medium-range ballistic missiles… extending a barrage of tests” and its officials vowed “to press ahead with its missile program despite U.S. pressure to curtail it” (Wall Street Journal, March 9, 2016). Iran also informed the U.S. “that any attempt to encroach on the Islamic Republic’s ballistic missile program would constitute the crossing of a ‘red line’…” (Jerusalem Post, April 4, 2016). Earlier in the year, Iran targeted, captured, and humiliated U.S. Navy sailors in a provocation against the U.S. (New York Times, January 18, 2016).

God makes it very clear to the modern descendants of ancient Israel (U.S., Britain, France, Western Europe, Israel, etc.) that if they despise His commandments and turn from Him, their nations will be “defeated by your enemies” and have “the pride of your power” broken—including their military (Leviticus 26:17, 19; Deuteronomy 28:25). Historically, whenever a king of Israel or Judah turned from God, God raised up adversaries against him (1 Kings 11:9, 14, 23). Today, U.S. leadership is arrogantly breaking the Laws of God, and it is not surprising that Iran and other nations are directly challenging U.S. global authority. For more information, read our article “The Demise of the West.”