Homicide Rates and Violent Crimes on the Rise in U.S. | Tomorrow's World

Homicide Rates and Violent Crimes on the Rise in U.S.

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Police chiefs from across the U.S. met recently to address surging homicide rates nationwide. “Some cities, including Baltimore, Houston, and Milwaukee, have seen the number of murders on record in 2015 rise by at least 50% over the past year” (TIME, August 3, 2015).

“A total of 191 people have been killed in Baltimore in 2015. Forty-five people were killed in July alone… The violence this year is in some ways unprecedented: No previous year has had two months with more than 40 killings…” (The Baltimore Sun, August 2, 2015). New York and other cities “are showing increases in violence from 2014… the city recorded 196 homicides compared with 178 in the same period a year ago, an increase of 10.1 percent, according to NYPD data… Chicago has reported 252 homicides compared with 209 in 2014, an increase of 21 percent while St. Louis… had 114 homicides, about a 50 percent rise” (Newsday, August 3, 2015).

Scripture makes clear that the end of the age will be filled with “perilous [stressful] times” (2 Timothy 3:1) and individuals will lack “self-control” and be “brutal” in their actions (v. 3). Christ connects breaking God’s law (1 John 3:4) to love waxing cold (Matthew 24:12, KJV). These scriptures show that the rise in murders and violent crimes is directly linked to the Israelite nations’ rejection of God’s laws. We can look forward to the return of “The Prince of Peace” who will enforce the commandment “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13). Read our booklet, The Ten Commandments, to understand the blessings of keeping this and all of God’s commandments.