Greece’s Six-Day Work Week | Tomorrow’s World News and Prophecy — July 12, 2024

Greece’s Six-Day Work Week

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Populations are shrinking around the globe due to falling birth rates. In addition to declining birth rates, over the last decade, Greece has lost more than 500,000 “mostly young educated Greeks” who have emigrated due to the difficult financial situation in the country (The Guardian, July 1, 2024). The nation is feeling the impact of this population decline and the lack of skilled workers in its economy. In an effort to stave off the effects of both these factors, Greece has taken a course of action that goes in the opposite direction of many other European countries. While many nations have shortened their work week to four days, Greece has expanded its to six!

“The six-day scheme, officials say, will only apply to private businesses providing round-the-clock services.” While the supposedly voluntary extra workday does appear to come with extra pay, opponents of the new law contend that it will be used by employers to begin requiring extra work from staff. Due to Greece’s dire situation, pensioners are being encouraged to return to work as well.

As European populations continue to decrease, the need for more labor from the workforce will grow. Will other nations follow Greece’s example and also move to a six-day work week as times get tougher? Which day of the week might become the official day when all workers can rest, and how might this play into Bible prophecy? To learn more about this question, watch “What Is the Mark of the Beast?