Germany’s rising influence. | Tomorrow's World

Germany’s rising influence.

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Germany’s international influence is growing economically and militarily.  With the United States reducing its foreign involvement in the Middle East and Africa, and the threat of Islam increasing by the day, Germany is emerging as a new force for peace on the world stage.

Recently, German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle led other EU foreign ministers in enforcing tough sanctions on Syria and Iran.  “Following efforts in recent months to diffuse what diplomats see as a major threat to peace and stability in the Middle East—Iran’s alleged possession of nuclear weapons—foreign ministers from the European Union agreed to adopt new financial and trade sanctions against the country” (Deutsche Welle, October 15, 2012). “European Union governments tightened sanctions against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad” due to his “government’s violence against rebels, agreeing [to] new restrictions against the country’s arms industry and other measures” (Reuters, October 15, 2012).  

The Germans have also increased their military presence in the Middle East and Africa. They have more than 4500 combat troops in Afghanistan, and have multiple African Military Training Centers led by Germany and the EU to help African nations fight terrorism.  One German-led mission is in Uganda, training Somalis to effectively fight against the Somali terror group Al-Shabaab.  “Their mission is to give the Somali army a backbone.  To that end, the European Union has sent them to Bihanga in the southwestern corner of Uganda, together with 65 fellow soldiers from 12 other European countries” (Der Spiegel, October 22, 2012).

Bible prophecy reveals that at the end of the age, Germany will lead a European Beast power that will dominate the world economically and militarily (Isaiah 10:5-14; Revelation 13:1-4; 17:12-14).   As we watch the United States slowly pull away from its world leadership role, we will see Germany forced to assume a bigger role on the world stage, without even seeking to do so (Isaiah 10:7).

For more information about Germany’s role in the future, read or request our reprint article, “Resurgent Germany: A Fourth Reich?”