Catholic and Orthodox Unity | Tomorrow's World

Catholic and Orthodox Unity

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“Pope Francis told a delegation from the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople that the restoration of ‘full, visible communion’ between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox churches ‘represents one of my main concerns, for which I do not cease to pray to God’” (, June 29, 2015). The pope continued, “It is my desire that we may be able to face, in truth but also with a fraternal spirit, the difficulties which still exist… In this way, I wish also to renew my support for the important work of the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church” (ibid.).

History and Bible prophecy reveal that the Catholic church is the “mother church” of not only the Orthodox church but also the Protestant churches (Revelation 17:5). The church of Rome will continue her efforts to bring her wayward “daughters” back under her wings. As this trend continues and the Roman church gains political power and international respect, it will eventually astound the world with miraculous signs and wonders, while it supports a coming European Beast Power (Revelation 13:11-18). For more information on this emerging world church, read “Who Is the Harlot of Revelation 17?