Letters to the Editor | Tomorrow's World

Letters to the Editor

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I just want to thank TW for your free magazine first and foremost but also I Praise God for your free material [Twelve Keys to Answered Prayer]. It has been an inspiration to me in my prayer life. With COVID-19 here, it has brought me closer to Christ because I see more so that our time here will soon be up, which your literature constantly reminds me. I take my time in the mornings to read and study God’s holy word until I can get going. I’m totally disabled, but this is like fuel for the fire. Thanks ever so much for what y’all do for us in the building of God’s Kingdom. Love y’all dearly, brothers.

—Subscriber in North Carolina

Dear brothers and sisters—I study your magazines and videos. I would like to learn more. Also, my family has started keeping the Sabbath. Your teachings help many people like us to come to the truth. May God bless and guide you to spread His word more.

—Reader in Sri Lanka

Editor’s Note: It is wonderful to hear that you and your family have stepped out in faith to begin keeping God’s commandments! For anyone interested in information about one of our many Sabbath-keeping congregations around the world, you can contact one of our Regional Addresses, listed on page 4 of this magazine. You can also go to our website at TomorrowsWorld.org and click on “Meet the Church Behind TW” for more information.

I went [to your website] to order a free booklet (and did order it) and I got lost there for over four hours. The articles are fascinating and inspiring. Glad I found the site.

—Email from a reader

Hello, I don’t usually send comments, but I just wanted to say how much I appreciated this straight-forward, very inspiring article [Tomorrow’s World online commentary “Are You Easily Offended?”]. I needed to hear this. I want to honor God and our Savior. Being watchful of the words that I speak and not allowing myself to be easily offended can be such a struggle. I greatly appreciate this powerful reminder, Thank you!

—Subscriber in California

I received my copy of the Tomorrow’s World Magazine May-June 2020 issue this week. I read the first article last night. It makes it so clear where the virus COVID-19 came from and why, and how it could have been prevented! Thank you so much! I have shared the article through social media and I really hope the world reads it and wakes up!

—Subscriber in Ontario

Thank you so much for sending me the booklet Restoring Original Christianity. You have helped me beyond measure and I’m hungry and thirsty for more information, please. God bless you.

—Subscriber in the United Kingdom

Thank you for your services during COVID-19. Your Tomorrow’s World Bible Study Course, pamphlets, and booklets keep me sane and occupied during these times. Thank you for the hope for God’s saving grace in our future. May you have many of God’s blessings! Love you all.

—Subscriber in Ontario

I just want to thank your ministry for preaching [about] the Sabbath day. When many mainstream pastors of our nation have wandered away from God’s fourth commandment, many of them have chosen Sunday worship, which is in honor of sun worship that is idolatry and abomination in the sight of God.

—Reader in Ohio


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