2006 September-October Issue | Tomorrow's World --> --> --> --> --> --> -->


2006 September-October

U.S.-China Trade War: Coming Soon?

  • Dexter B. Wakefield

China is becoming a world power, challenging the U.S. and other capitalist nations, and starting to flex its military and economic muscle. How will this affect the U.S., and what does it mean for end-time...


Vital Keys to Understanding Prophecy

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

More than a quarter of your Bible is prophecy. Do you know how to make sense of it? There are principles that can illuminate God's word for you, and help you know the truth about your future—and the future...


Fear, Frustration or Faith?

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

Are you afraid? Are you frustrated? Millions find the stress of daily living almost unbearable. Can we have faith in the midst of challenges, dangers and anxieties? Yes, we can! God's word shows us how.


How The Romans United Europe: Then and Now

  • Douglas S. Winnail

Does a united Europe sound plausible to you? It did to the ancient Romans, whose empire provides a model that many Europeans appreciate even today. A look at ancient Rome's techniques can help us understand...


Giving Up Everest

  • Rod McNair

Imagine that you have almost reached the pinnacle of your life's ambition, but a painful dilemma stands between you and your goal. What choices do you really have—and what are the consequences?


Slavery Makes a Comeback

  • Don Davis

Not long ago, most people assumed that slavery was a thing of the past, and that the idea of one person holding another as property—to be used involuntarily, by coercion, for the master's benefit and profit...


Biblical Ignorance: A Real Problem!

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Millions of people throughout the western world have read The Da Vinci Code. This last summer, millions saw a film based on the novel. It is challenging the faith of many churchgoers! And it is confusing...


The Petrine Deception

  • Douglas S. Winnail

The "primacy of Peter" doctrine asserts that Jesus gave Peter, and Peter's successors, authority to function as the sole custodians of true Christian teaching—and as Pope Benedict asserted, "This primacy is...

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