Can you make sense of the spiritual confusion in our world? Where is God’s true church today that follows the original doctrines and teachings of Jesus Christ?
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Can you make sense of the spiritual confusion in our world? Where is God’s true church today that follows the original doctrines and teachings of Jesus Christ?
Canada and the other English-speaking nations have been blessed with abundance that should never be taken for granted.
People often wonder about the origins of the mysterious biblical giants, like the Nephilim and the “sons of Anak,” but does scripture really say they were anything more than human beings, after all?
Eighty years ago, the Allies carried out the largest amphibious assault in human history. Could they do it today? Would they ever need to? There are answers in prophecy for those willing to truly look.
Decades after the famous novel, the Middle East is living a real conflict involving an aggressor as uncompromising as H.G. Wells’ otherworldly invaders.
For twenty-five years, this magazine has predicted the fulfillment of biblical prophecy, especially regarding the end-time “House of Israel”—modern descendants of God’s ancient nation. How can you know that our words are true?
Social problems are simple cause and effect: If you don’t live by what the Bible says is right and wrong, you’ll never eliminate the root cause of your troubles.
Miraculous events of past millennia reveal an amazing truth for today. Learn the true meaning of Pentecost and why the Church of God celebrates it.
Learning from our mistakes is painful—and not necessarily the way God wanted humanity to grow. Is there a way to build an ideal world that God had planned from the very beginning?