Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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October-November 2022

Blood Moon
Feature Story

The mysterious “Day of the Lord” is mentioned throughout the prophecies of the Old and New Testaments and the writings of the Apostles. Learn to understand the meanings of this prophetic “day”—the Bible explains it clearly to those who believe...

Israeli flag with a helmet

While the world’s attention has been focused on the current Russian invasion of Ukraine, what has been happening in Israel and the wider Middle East?

Apocrypha scroll Hebrew text

Did the Apostle Jude quote from a missing book of the Bible? Just what is the Book of Enoch, anyways?

Saturdays game Bible on a football field
Article 1

Game time, or holy time?

Britain After Boris: What Lies Ahead?
London Calling

In the United Kingdom and around the world, honest politics is the reigning oxymoron of our day. Will there ever come a time when we can place complete trust in our national leaders?

Watch and Warn

Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

Editor in Chief: Gerald E. Weston

The biblical Holy Days reveal a coming time when Jesus Christ will reign over the whole world! Are you preparing for that time now by walking in His footsteps and keeping those days?

Balancing on a tree trunk
The Works of His Hands

When most people think of ears, they think of the amazing hearing ability that these organs represent—but what other miracles of creative design are embedded within this tiny space inside our skulls? And what spiritual parallels do they share...

Questions and Answers: Why does God allow evil?
Questions and Answers

Why does God allow evil?

Letters to TW
Letter to the Editor

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