Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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November-December 2004

Cover Story

Skeptics may ridicule the idea that God guides world events, but history tells a different story!

Feature Story

How can you really understand the traumatic events beginning to affect the entire world? How can you make sense of the adversities that seem to be afflicting especially the American and British-descended peoples scattered all over this earth?


To billions around the world, no time of the year is more eagerly anticipated than the Christmas season. "'Tis the season to be jolly," is how the song goes. Of course, for many people, Christmas can be a depressing season, emphasizing their...


God has created a glorious universe. Images from the Hubble telescope reveal awesome galaxies and nebulae. Do distant stars and planets have anything to do with your future? What will you be doing for all eternity?


"How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child." (King Lear, Act I, Scene 4)


An enormous danger to the very survival of western civilization is now presenting itself. It will soon have a more dramatic and powerful effect upon our nations than any massive earthquake in the history of mankind.

Prophecy Comes Alive

Nearly everyone wants to know what the future holds, yet it is widely believed that no one can accurately predict the future. The God of the Bible, however, boldly states: "I am God, and there is none like Me.

Questions and Answers

Question: Jesus said that the day of judgment would be "more tolerable" for the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, and Tyre and Sidon, than for those who heard and rejected Jesus’ message during His ministry on earth. How can this be...

September-October 2004

Cover Story

What matters most in your life? Are you seeking wealth, power and prestige? Are you seeking peace of mind, security and comfort? Before you can attain true success, you have to know what it is!

Feature Story

Is Bible prophecy something that we need not—or perhaps cannot—understand? Or is it vital to the daily life, and future hope, of Christians? Why did God give us Bible prophecy? You need to know!
