Commentary | Page 91 | Tomorrow's World


Why Darkness?

  1. 17th September 2016
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

A generation ago, audiences around the world were enthralled by the Star Wars Trilogy, an epic story about the struggle between good and evil. The colorful, memorable characters were either on the side of the "force" representing good or the "dark side" representing evil. One could envision a number of obvious analogies in this tale and it made for exciting...


To Search Out a Matter

  1. 13th September 2016
  2. Ray Clore

Media bias is a common topic for discussion in the U.S. This problem is not confined to the U.S. however. Some years ago I visited a major journalism school in Bordeaux, France, and asked what the students were learning. Among other things, the Director said the school taught that there was "no such thing as objective reality." He said that since reporters could...


The Need for Common Sense

  1. 10th September 2016
  2. Martin Fannin

Would you build your own house in a flood zone on ground below sea level? Most would not do this and if they did, they would lack common sense. How about a city? Does it make sense to build and perpetuate a metropolitan area on land below sea level? The question might be—can it be done? Obviously, under optimum conditions it may be done and maintained if massive...


The "Aha! Moment"

  1. 08th September 2016
  2. Roger Meyer

Have you ever had one of those moments where "the lights come on?" Maybe there is a source of true understanding that you just haven't found yet. Many have experienced what is popularly called an “aha! moment” when we suddenly understand something for the first time.


Erdogan's Purges and Turkey's Future

  1. 06th September 2016
  2. William Williams

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal caught my eye as I perused the daily news. It was a detailed account of the exodus from Turkey of numerous intellectuals—and the fears of those who remain behind—in the wake of Recep Erdogan’s recent national purges. As I read the article, I wondered about how history repeats itself—and will again very soon, in a big...


The Signs of the Times

  1. 03rd September 2016
  2. Michael Heykoop

Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky at morning, sailors take warning. For millennia, people have recognized that it would be beneficial to be able to read the signs of the times to predict future events. Sometimes the signs can be wide open for all to see, but only those who are able to put them into the right context can understand what they mean for...


Honesty Is Healthy—No Lie!

  1. 01st September 2016
  2. Richard Franz

If you are in the habit of telling lies, then your “pants on fire” may not be your only problem. So says researcher Susan Guibert. Research from the University of Notre Dame was presented at the 2012 American Psychological Association’s annual convention, revealing that people who were able to reduce the number of lies they told over a period of ten weeks...


A Storm With No Name…

  1. 30th August 2016
  2. William Williams

…is still a natural disaster for the tens, if not hundreds, of thousands whose lives have been affected by it. If you’ve been watching the news, over the past few weeks, this is what you have seen unfold in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and its surrounding areas in the southern United States: thousands without power, entire towns flooded, and droves of homeless people...


Times of Refreshing

  1. 27th August 2016
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Do you ever feel entrapped by urban sprawl? Do you long for the peace and tranquility of a panoramic scene of natural beauty, like a glacier-fed lake at the foot of snow-covered mountains with cool crisp air filling your lungs—without the rumble, roar, and clang of traffic noises? Would fresh trout on the banks of a flowing stream make a delicious supper as a...

